Solid rogue-like for the web.
I had such pleasure playing this, I only died once before finishing it and it felt like it was my fault. Just great design overall, no complains.
Good work.
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Solid rogue-like for the web.
I had such pleasure playing this, I only died once before finishing it and it felt like it was my fault. Just great design overall, no complains.
Good work.
Absolutely loved it!
I've seen this on twitter and I just didn't expect it to be this fun.
The difficulty curve is perfect, it never felt impossible.
The controls felt so tight, I can see you put a lot of work in making the experience feel right.
Excellent work man.
thanks ♥️
Simply amazing to think you guys did this for only 72 hours.
Good job.
I keep listening to this tune and it just doesn't get old.
I love it, good job Connor!
It's just a great tune, love it!
Thank you boss man! Your programming magic really inspired us to make some danke music, Lets do this again real soon!
Ready to kick some ass.
Gotta hand it to you, those look handsome.
This is amazing, I love everything about it.
I'm shocked that this is your first pixel art, it's really well made it has everything from colors to how it's framed to the pose and expression.
Good job and I'm really happy you enjoyed our game this much.
I'm glad you like it!
Well it is not my first pixel art at all, the last few years I have done some other pieces, but I don't think I will upload it to NG, because it is old art. Maybe I will try to make pixel art more often and upload it to the platform.
But damn, I appreciate the words, it means a lot coming from someone on the Tooth Toss team. 😁
I do games
Age 14
Joined on 6/18/16